[INDOLOGY] Finding two Puranic slokas

Nicole Karapanagiotis nicole.karapanagiotis at gmail.com
Thu Sep 8 16:13:34 UTC 2016

Dear friends,

I am looking for sloka references for the following two Puranic ideas as I
want to go back to the original texts.

1.  Padma Purana sloka which translates to "I dwell not in Vaikuntha, nor
in the heart of yogis, but where my devotees sing."  Anyone know the exact
reference for this one?

2.  Naradiya Purana wherein it states that chanting loudly is much greater
than chanting in silence...

Thank you--any leads are much appreciated!

Nicole Karapanagiotis

Dr. Nicole Karapanagiotis, Ph.D.
Asst. Professor of Religion
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Department of Philosophy and Religion
Camden College of Arts and Sciences
429 Cooper St., Room #303
Camden, NJ 08102
nicole.karapanagiotis at rutgers.edu

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