[INDOLOGY] postdoc position in Zürich for research on the Paippalāda Recension of the Atharvaveda

Arlo Griffiths arlogriffiths at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 9 12:53:51 UTC 2016


The Indo-European Studies group (Prof. Paul Widmer, Department of Comparative Linguistics) and the Department of Indian Studies (Prof. Angelika Malinar, Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies) of the University of Zurich jointly invite applications for a post-doctoral position (66% FTE) in Vedic linguistics and Indian culture. The successful applicant will join the interdisciplinary project Online edition of the Paippalāda Recension of the Atharvaveda. This editorial project is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and will start in early 2017.

Successful applicants for the position must have a PhD in Indian Studies and/or Indo-European studies, philological expertise in this field and documented research interests in Vedic Sanskrit/Ancient Indian culture. Experience in editorial work and digital editorial techniques is welcome. The position requires the willingness to closely cooperate with all members of the project and coordinate research activities.

Applications should be submitted by December 10, 2017, and include a letter of motivation, CV, a copy of the PhD thesis and up to three other publications. Please send the documents in single PDF format to Prof. Dr. Paul Widmer (paul.widmer at uzh.ch) and Prof. Dr. Angelika Malinar (angelika.malinar at aoi.uzh.ch) who can also be contacted for further information.


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