[INDOLOGY] Authenticity of the Vastusutra Upanishad (HdGoswami) and (Dipak Bhattacharya)
Dipak Bhattacharya
dipak.d2004 at gmail.com
Mon May 16 15:22:21 UTC 2016
I wrote a foreword like essay 'The position of the Vaastusuutra Upanisad in
the Atharvavedic literature', pp.30-36 *Vaastusuutra Upanishad* Boner,
Sarma,Baumer MLBD 1982. I argued that 1750 was the upper limit of the date
of the composition of the commentary and tht it was an unusually late date
for such a text.I heard that it was reprinted later but I have not seen
that. I was not happy with the text.
On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 7:18 PM, Fabrice Duvinage <
fabrice.duvinage at gmail.com> wrote:
> The only review of the book I found is from Rita Regnier in Arts
> asiatiques, Année 1985, Volume 40, Numéro 1, p. 136 - 137
> <http://www.persee.fr/doc/arasi_0004-3958_1985_num_40_1_1193_t1_0136_0000_1>
> She doesn’t contest directly its authenticity. But she notes that the
> manuscripts were discovered after the publication of her *Principles of
> composition in Hindu Sculpture*, and that there are unknown elsewhere
> (the fact the title would have been known wouldn’t be enough, if no text
> cites its content). She further says that the very title is surprising,
> because it hardly could be considered as an Upanishad and that its scope is
> more shilpa shastric than vastu (it is not about architecture in general,
> but only about sculptures – Does it answer to the question of Hd Goswami?).
> She further remarks that it doesn’t consist in injunctions about the making
> of the images, but analyses the composition of the images, theorizes about
> the essence of form, etc. Alice boner gives the XVIII c. as date for the
> text, according to mathematic knowledge which spread in India at that time.
> In Wikipedia, it becomes already “the oldest known Silpa Sastra text”
> (sic). (Maybe because of the word “Upanishad”)
> @* Dipak Bhattacharya: *Thanks for your answer, but I don’t have the text
> of Aldo Griffiths and I don’t know what your adverse remarks were. Could
> you be more explicit?
> The main point is that the approach of the text is so western styled, the
> parallel between shulva principles and shilpa, the correlation between
> mudra and bhava, between yupa and rûpa would suit so well to an indological
> analysis that it still seems to suiting to be real. Last but not least, the
> fact that no philologist got interested in that matter gives the impression
> that Indian art is not taken as seriously as Indian philosophy.
> Cordialement,
> Fabrice Duvinage
> 10, rue Alfred Mézières
> 54000 Nancy
> 0652825128
> http://fabriceduvinage.de/
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