[INDOLOGY] Two Articles by Suresh Chandra Banerji

Samuel Wright swright at nalandauniv.edu.in
Sat May 7 11:41:36 UTC 2016

Dear List,

I'm looking for two short articles that are not available in my library:

Banerji, Suresh Chandra. "Minor Smrti Writers of Bengal, " *Indian
Historical Quarterly* 33, 1957, 191-200.

Banerji, Suresh Chandra. "Post-Raghunandana Smrti Writers of Bengal," *New
Indian Antiquary*, Vol. 7, 1944/45, 105-110.

If someone is able and willing to share a scan of either or both of these
articles, it would be very much appreciated.


Rajgir, Bihar

Samuel Wright
Assistant Professor
School of Historical Studies
Nalanda University
Pin - 803 116
Rajgir, Dist: Nalanda
Bihar, India


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