[INDOLOGY] Sunrise in the West & twelve dandas

Harry Spier hspier.muktabodha at gmail.com
Tue May 3 15:56:04 UTC 2016

Ancient Indian Astronomical Terms and their Interpretations in the Light of
Modern Astronomy by Arupratan Bhattacharya for the term *daṇḍa *has
"see ghaṭikā"
 and under *ghaṭikā *has "unit of time ( 1/60th part of a day)  syn. ghaṭī,
daṇḍa, nāḍikā,nāḍī"

Harry Spier

On Tue, May 3, 2016 at 6:27 AM, Artur Karp <karp at uw.edu.pl> wrote:

> Dear Friends and Colleagues,
> Prof. Barbara Grabowska of the South Asian Studies Deptt (University of
> Warsaw) asks me to ask you about the meaning of the phrase "*twelve
> dandas*".
> The phrase appears in the Rupram Cakravarti's Dharmamangal (XVII c.). The
> text says that if the sunrise will take place in the west, the God Dharma
> will start to be revered and receive sacrifices on this Earth. The hero of
> the Mangal prays for the sunrise to take place in the west at the twelfth
> danda. And people, thinking that the night is over, started their home
> chores.
> With highest regards,
> Artur Karp
> Warsaw
> Poland
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