[INDOLOGY] Revolving wheel in ancient Indian literature

Artur Karp karp at uw.edu.pl
Fri Mar 18 12:56:41 UTC 2016

In the Mahabharata the wheel contains (in its axle) amrita/soma. In the
Sumnagalavilasini it contains the relics of the Buddha.

Artur K.

2016-03-18 13:42 GMT+01:00 Artur Karp <karp at uw.edu.pl>:

> Dear List,
> Mahabharata I, 29. 2-5 and Sumangalavilasini (Buddhaghosa's commentary to
> Mahaparinibbana-sutta)  VI, 26  contain images of a revolving wheel (with
> 360? spokes), guarded by figures with swords in hands, and by two serpents.
> Viśvakarma/Vissakamma is mentioned as the wheel's constructor.
> Is that - or similar - image present somewhere else in the ancient Indian
> literature?
> Thanks in advance for your comments -
> Artur Karp
> South Asian Studies Deptt (emeritus), University of Warsaw, Poland

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