[INDOLOGY] Call for Papers: 8th International Indological Graduate Research Symposium (IIGRS 8), Oct 29-30 at LMU Munich

Charles DiSimone disimone at alumni.stanford.edu
Wed Jun 15 19:18:53 UTC 2016

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that the 8th International Indological Graduate
Research Symposium (IIGRS 8) will be held at
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich on October 29-30 (Sat-Sun), 2016.

We would like to invite all M.A. and PhD students as well as early career
scholars (who have completed their PhDs within the past five years) to send
their abstracts to iigrsuk at googlemail.com by July 20th. We will inform you
about the outcome of your application no later than August 1st. If you
would like to apply for separate funding and need the acceptance before
this time, please send us your abstract with a separate notification as
soon as possible.

As Munich is a center for research on Buddhist Studies, scholars with
papers dealing with issues involving Buddhism and Indology are especially
encouraged to attend. Naturally, however, we wish to have papers not only
on Buddhism but the entire gamut of Indology and all papers dealing with
any indological research centered around the study of texts in their
original language will be considered by the selection committee. For
further information please have a look at our website at
https://iigrs.wordpress.com or contact us directly at iigrsuk at googlemail.com

Abstracts should not exceed 300 words and should include:

1) Your name and institution, together with your status as a postgraduate
student. If you have recently completed your post-graduate studies you
should indicate this and provide details of your previous institution.
2) The title of your paper.
3) A broad indication of its subject area.
4) An outline of its contents.

Please send your abstract in both Word and PDF format.

Details concerning registration will be announced on our website soon. It
is possible that some travel funding may become available and we will
inform participants of this at a later date. In the meantime, we encourage
those interested in attending to secure funding from their home institution.

If you are teaching at an institution, we would be very grateful if you
could circulate this information among your students.

Yours faithfully,
Charles DiSimone, Andrea Schlosser, and Jinkyoung Choi
Institut für Indologie und Tibetologie
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Charles DiSimone
Promotionsprogramm Buddhismus-Studien
Institut für Indologie und Tibetologie
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

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