rainer stuhrmann r.stuhrmann at t-online.de
Sat Jul 2 16:36:17 UTC 2016

Dear Howard,

Indra`s visible appearence:

according to RV 10,95,8 Indra is /hári-keśa/ and /hári-śmaśāru/, of 
“yellow-red (golden) hair” and “yellow-red (golden) beard”.

//hári / /is also used of the fire, the sun, of lightening and of Indras 
horses - and of the Soma plant.

According to Falk, however, /hári / denotes “yellowish-green to green” 
(Falk, p.85, Soma I and II, BSOAS, Vol. 52, No. 1,1989, pp. 77-90 ),

because this - he thinks - makes that colourful epitheton fit to the 
“bluish green” (Falk, p.85) colour of the ephedra plant. That would make

Indra the first punk of history.

Rainer Stuhrmann


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