[INDOLOGY] Culture of Encounters: Sanskrit at the Mughal Court

Audrey Truschke audrey.truschke at gmail.com
Tue Feb 2 20:29:05 UTC 2016

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I am thrilled to share the news that my book, Culture of Encounters:
Sanskrit at the Mughal Court, is now available from Columbia University

The book is available from Amazon <http://amzn.com/0231173628> or directly
from CUP <http://cup.columbia.edu/book/culture-of-encounters/9780231173629>
(use the code "TRUCUL" to receive a 30% discount).

For folks in India, the Indian edition will be out next month from Penguin.

Audrey Truschke
Assistant Professor
Department of History
Rutgers University-Newark

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Religious Studies
Stanford University
e- <audrey.truschke at gmail.com>mail <audrey.truschke at gmail.com> | website

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