[INDOLOGY] A grammar question

Harry Spier hspier.muktabodha at gmail.com
Sun Aug 14 21:47:08 UTC 2016

Dear list members,

Apologies if this is an elementary question.

In the Shanti mantra taken from the Taittiriya Upanishad

saha nāvavatu saha nau bhunaktu saha vīryaṁ karavāvahai tejasvi nāvadhītam
astu mā vidviṣāvahai
Why is it  vidviṣāvahai and not  vidveṣāvahai similar to the form   dveṣāvahai
I couldn't see it listed as an irregular form in MacDonnels grammar for
students or his Vedic grammar for students or Whitney.

Harry Spier

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