[INDOLOGY] new publication

Jonathan Silk kauzeya at gmail.com
Fri Apr 22 13:08:54 UTC 2016

welll... In this volume I dealt only with the Sanskrit and Tibetan, no
Chinese, and no treatment of the commentaries. Whether I have the courage
to deal with the former time will tell, but it will take a team of
specialists to deal with the commentaries, which are, predictably I would
say, rather more complicated, doctrinally, than Vasubandhu's mūla.

I didn't try to order the book, but copies were sent to me, which,
empiricist that I am, convinces me that they exist :)

best, jonathan

On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 2:53 PM, David and Nancy Reigle <dnreigle at gmail.com>

> Dear Jonathan,
> Many thanks for letting us know about this important publication. I did
> not even know that it was coming. We have long needed a critical edition of
> this text. Amazon is also still showing August for publication date. But
> you are saying that it is now out and can now be obtained from Harvard
> University Press. Great!
> Does the "(I)" after the title mean that you are preparing a second
> volume? If so, what will it contain? Thanks.
> Best regards,
> David Reigle
> Colorado, U.S.A.
> On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 6:18 AM, Jonathan Silk <kauzeya at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Friends,
>> Self-serving self promotion warning!
>> Harvard Oriental Series 81Materials Toward the Study of Vasubandhu’s
>> *Viṁśikā* (I)Sanskrit and Tibetan Critical Editions of the Verses and
>> Autocommentary; An English Translation and Annotations
>> $30.00 • £22.95 • €27.00
>> ISBN 9780674970670
>> The blurb: The “Twenty Verses on Manifestation-Only” of the Indian
>> Buddhist philosopher Vasubandhu (c. 350–430?), his *Viṁśíkā*, is one of
>> the most important treatises of the Yogācāra school. Accompanied by the
>> author’s own commentary, the text lays out a vision of a “Buddhist
>> Idealism” in which even one’s experience of the sufferings of hell is
>> revealed to be nothing other than the results of working out one’s karma.
>> Later scholars commented on the work a number of times, in its original
>> Sanskrit, in Tibetan translation, and in three Chinese versions.
>> This book presents an edition and translation of the Sanskrit text of the
>> core verses, alongside the original author’s commentary, based directly on
>> the manuscript evidence. This is accompanied by an edition of the canonical
>> translations of these texts found in the Tibetan Tanjurs, as well as a
>> “draft translation” of the verses in Tibetan, found in a manuscript from
>> Dunhuang. This publication therefore provides the most reliable and
>> comprehensive philological accounting to date for this fundamental work.
>> The website (http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674970670)
>> says August, but it's published now.
>> very best, Jonathan
>> --
>> J. Silk
>> Leiden University
>> Leiden University Institute for Area Studies, LIAS
>> Matthias de Vrieshof 3, Room 0.05b
>> 2311 BZ Leiden
>> The Netherlands
>> copies of my publications may be found at
>> http://www.buddhismandsocialjustice.com/silk_publications.html
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J. Silk
Leiden University
Leiden University Institute for Area Studies, LIAS
Matthias de Vrieshof 3, Room 0.05b
2311 BZ Leiden
The Netherlands

copies of my publications may be found at

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