Re: [INDOLOGY] The Meghadūta edition by R.D. Karmarkar

Mrinal Kaul mrinalkaul81 at
Wed Oct 28 03:22:46 UTC 2015

Dear Dominik,

Thanks for sharing the links. Before posting on Indology, I did check if a
reprint was available and I did find the links you have shared. However,
when I called these distributors (Saujanya Books) and Chaukhamba (publisher
of the reprint edition), they said the reprint is already 'out of print'.
Hence my request for a PDF. But it is certainly possible that some
distributor still might have a copy or two available for sale.

Thanks once again for sharing the links.

Best wishes.


Mrinal Kaul
Manipal Centre for Philosophy and Humanities (MCPH)
Dr TMA Pai Planetarium Complex
Alevoor Road
Manipal, Udupi 576104
Karnataka, INDIA
Tel: +91-820-2923567 (O)
Tel: +91-820-2574838 (R)
e-mail: mrinal.kaul at

On 28 October 2015 at 05:16, Dominik Wujastyk <wujastyk at> wrote:

> It's quite easily available in reprints, e.g.,
>    -

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