[INDOLOGY] Fun media piece about the Mitanni: Sanskrit in Ancient Syria

Nagaraj Paturi nagarajpaturi at gmail.com
Tue Jun 30 18:32:09 UTC 2015

Good fun because it has these interesting combinations:

1. These charioteers spoke the same language and recited the same hymns
that would later on be *complied* into the *Rig Veda* by their comrades who
had ventured east. (highlighting mine)


The group that went east and later on *composed* the *Rig Veda *(highlighting

Compiled or composed?

2. The group that went east and later on composed the *Rig Veda*, we know, *had
better luck in preserving their culture*.(highlighting mine)


While modern-day Hindus have mostly *stopped the worship of these
deities *(highlighting

preserved or did not preserve?

Prof.Nagaraj Paturi

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