Re: [INDOLOGY] yad idaṃ vedavacanaṃ kuru karma tyajeti ca

Ashok Aklujkar ashok.aklujkar at
Tue Jun 2 15:13:32 UTC 2015

Dear Greg,

Probably “vacana” here does not stand for an exact quotation but for an abbreviated statement of Īśopaniṣad 1-2, which contain “kurvann eveha karmāṇi” and “tena tyaktena bhuñjīthāḥ”. Note "ca”.

Best wishes.


> On Jun 1, 2015, at 10:57 PM, Greg Bailey <Greg.Bailey at> wrote:
> The pādas: yad idaṃ vedavacanaṃ kuru karma tyajeti ca /  occur with minor variations four times in the Mahābhārata.
> Can anybody guide me to a Vedic text that says kuru karma tyaja or something like it? I have had a quick look at a few texts, but come up with nothing.

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