[INDOLOGY] Fwd: Read the Sanskrit texts: Why both Rajiv Malhotra and his critics are wrong about plagiarism

Dipak Bhattacharya dipak.d2004 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 25 16:45:20 UTC 2015

Dear Colleagues,

There has been some interesting discussion on what should be regarded as
plagiarism and what should not come into the category. Will colleagues
enlighten if there is any trace of taking something from someone without
acknowledgement in the following citations.

“Die Sonne war doch allzusehr eine Potenz für sich, als dass die Auffassung
von ihr als Feuer erheblichere Bedeutung hätte haben können ” H.Oldenberg *Die
religion des Veda* 1894;1917:109

“The solar aspect of Agni’s nature is not often mentioned, the sun being
too individual a phenomenon to be generally conceived as a form of fire”.
A.A. Macdonell  *Vedic Mythology*1897:93 (1963repr.Varanasi)

“But this side (i.e. the solar side DB)” of the nature of Agni is little
referred to; the sun was too great and prominent a deity to be treated
merely as a form of Agni” A.B.Keith *RPVU* HOS 31,32; 1925: 156.

As far as I know till now nobody drew attention to the remarkable
similarity in language and idea



On Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 6:56 PM, Ashok Aklujkar <ashok.aklujkar at gmail.com>

> Colleagues,
> I admire Dominik for his immediate public correction of an earlier remark
> of his. However, if I had known that he was going to forward my
> communication to the List, I would have made its wording a little bit more
> grammatical and not allowed it to retain its ‘note-to-a-friend’ form.
> Please delete “about” from “not about a marker” and change “his sentence”
> to “his/her sentence”. It would also have been better if I had alerted
> Dominik with some such heading as “Not for forwarding to the List, at least
> not yet.”. Sorry for the extra reading you all had to do.
> a.a.
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