[INDOLOGY] Iti praancah

Martin Gansten martin.gansten at pbhome.se
Sun Jan 25 14:19:59 UTC 2015

In a technical section of an astrological text (Balabhadra's 
Hāyanaratna) I just came across the expression iti prāñcaḥ, which I 
don't recall seeing before and couldn't find in Tubb and Boose's 
otherwise excellent Scholastic Sanskrit. Am I right in thinking that it 
means something like 'so say earlier [authors]'?

A quick web search for the phrase returned seven hits, one of which 
(Annambhaṭṭa's Tarksaṃgraha 
does seem to contrast prāñcaḥ with navīnāḥ, in support of my conjecture; 
but the others were inconclusive. An old blog post 
showed that at least I'm not alone in wondering about it.

Any clarifications or corrections would be much appreciated.

Martin Gansten

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