[INDOLOGY] Remembering the episodes which led to the creation ofY-Indology

rajam rajam at earthlink.net
Sat Jan 10 15:21:37 UTC 2015

O, Pardon me, Dear JLC.

A very happy 2015!

The paper under consideration sounded fascinating to me. I hadn't seen it before. So, I sincerely wanted to understand the etymology of the Sanskrit term "makara" through professional Sanskritists. Sorry for having mentioned your name in my posting. 

OK, my interest has disappeared now!


-----Original Message-----
>From: Jean-Luc Chevillard <jean-luc.chevillard at univ-paris-diderot.fr>
>Sent: Jan 10, 2015 6:10 AM
>To: indology at list.indology.info
>Subject: [INDOLOGY] Remembering the episodes which led to the creation of	Y-Indology
>Dear VSR,
>since you mentionned my name, in a recent thread,
>in which I do not take part,
>because "Life is Short!",
>and because I try to remember that
>"... வினைக் குறை தீர்ந்தாரிற் றீர்ந்தன் றுலகு" [... viṉaik kuṟai tīrntāriṟ 
>ṟīrntaṉ ṟulaku] "The world will abandon those who abandon their 
>unfinished work" [KUṞAḶ 612]
>kindly allow me to answer, indirectly
>by stating that I remember very well
>several earlier periods in the life of the INDOLOGY mailing list,
>including the episodes
>which conducted to the creation
>(in 1998, if I remember correctly)
>by Dominik
>of a Yahoo mailing list called Y-INDOLOGY
>(which someone immediately nicknamed "Why Indology?" ... :-)
>When the current version of the INDOLOGY mailing list was created,
>everyone understood why the page describing the purpose of the list 
>stated that:
>"INDOLOGY is an internet discussion group whose primary purpose is to 
>provide a forum for discussion among PROFESSIONAL scholars of classical 
>Indian (South Asian) civilization."
>Yours with every good wish!
>Happy New Year 2015
>-- Jean-Luc (Paris)
>On 09/01/2015 18:49, rajam wrote:
>> and many other scholars such as Jean Luc Chevillard on this list.
>INDOLOGY mailing list
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