[INDOLOGY] CFP: Approaches to South Asian History | a special collection in Open Library of Humanities

Lubin, Tim LubinT at wlu.edu
Mon Feb 23 13:20:58 UTC 2015

Open Library of Humanities, a new open-access journal, invites articles on South Asian history (1) that synthesize findings from more geographically or temporally restricted studies to offer a picture of large-scale processes, or (2) that offer an example of collaborative research toward the same end. Topics may include but are not limited to:

    Indian Ocean trade and travel reflected in microhistorical data from port cities
    Longterm trends in land tenure rights and transactions
    Changing patterns of patronage for religious institutions
    Literary and scholastic practices showing up across linguistic areas
    Comparison of classical depictions of social structure with data from epigraphy and material culture
    Institutional factors supporting particular modes of scientific or scholastic discourse


The Open Library of Humanities (ISSN 2056-6700) is an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation-funded open-access journal with no author-facing charges and is instead financially supported by an international consortium of libraries.  Its special collections are thematically focused special issues.

Submissions (around 8000 words) should be made online at: https://submit.openlibhums.org in accordance with the author guidelines and clearly marking the entry as “Multifocal and Collaborative Approaches to South Asian History”; all submissions undergo a double-blind peer-review.

Open-access publishing seek to remedy the problem of academic research being owned by a shrinking number of publishers and locked behind costly paywalls, which limits readership and stifles research.


Timothy Lubin
Professor of Religion and Adjunct Professor of Law
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, Virginia 24450


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