[INDOLOGY] Canadian post-doc fellowship opportunity in the history of science in India and globalism

Dominik Wujastyk wujastyk at gmail.com
Mon Feb 16 18:23:54 UTC 2015

​See the Cosmolocal website <http://cosmolocal.org/about-us/> for a better
idea of what this project is about.  The advertisement isn't particularly
explicit or clear.  ​This is an excellent opportunity for the right person.

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​ ​

From: Cosmopolitanism and the Local <situsci at dal.ca>
Date: 16 February 2015 at 19:02
Subject: Career Opportunity: Postdoc for Cosmopolitanism in Science project

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Website] <http://www.cosmolocal.org>   Website
<http://www.cosmolocal.org>                Cosmopolitanism
and the Local in Science & Nature
hiring a Postdoc.
*The deadline swiftly approaches (Mar. 2, 2015).* *Please keep spreading
the word in your communities!*

*Postdoctoral Fellowship Science and Technology Studies (STS) / History and
Philosophy of Science, Technology, Medicine (HPSTM)*
University of King’s College / Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS
Duration: 1 year, with option to renew for second year pending budget and
project restrictions and requirements
Application Deadline: Monday March 2 2015

The University of King’s College and Dalhousie University announce a
postdoctoral fellowship award in Science and Technology Studies (STS)/
History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Medicine (HPSTM),
associated with the SSHRC Partnership Development Grant, “Cosmopolitanism
and the Local in Science and Nature: Creating an East/West Partnership,” a
partnership development between institutions in Canada, India and Southeast
Asia aimed at establishing an East/West research network on
“Cosmopolitanism” in science. The project closely examines the ideas,
processes and negotiations that inform the development of science and
scientific cultures within an increasingly globalized landscape. A detailed
description of the project can be found at: www.CosmoLocal.org

*Funding and Duration:*
The position provides a base salary equivalent to $35,220 plus benefits
(EI, CPP, Medical and Dental), and with the possibility of augmenting the
salary through teaching or other awards, depending on the host department.
The fellow would be entitled to benefits offered by University of King’s
College or Dalhousie University. The successful applicant will begin their
12-month appointment between April 1st and July 1st, 2015, subject to
negotiation and candidate’s schedule. Contingent on budget and project
requirements, the fellowship may be extended for a second year with an
annual increase as per institutional standards.

*Eligibility: *
The appointment will be housed at University of King’s College and/or in
one of the departments of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at
Dalhousie University. The successful applicant is expected to
have completed a Ph.D. in STS, HPS or a cognate field, within the last five
years and before taking up the fellowship. Please note that the
Postdoctoral Fellowship can only be held at Dalhousie University in the six
years following completion of his or her PhD. For example a person who
finished his or her PhD in 2010 is eligible to be a Postdoctoral Fellow
until December 2016.

In addition to carrying out independent or collaborative research under the
supervision of one or more of the Cosmopolitanism co-applicants, the
successful candidate will be expected to take a leadership role in
the Cosmopolitanism project, to actively coordinate the development of the
project, and participate in its activities as well as support networking
and outreach. International candidates need a work permit and SIN.

While the research topic is open and we encourage applications from a wide
range of subfields, we particularly welcome candidates with expertise and
interest in the topics addressed in the Cosmopolitanism project. The
candidate will be expected to work under the supervision of one of the
Cosmopolitanism co-applicants. Information on each is available on the
“About” page of the project’s website (www.CosmoLocal.org


Full applications will contain:
1.     Cover letter that includes a description of current research
2.     Research plan for post-doctoral work. Include how the proposed
research fits within the Cosmopolitanism project’s scope, and
the co-applicant with whom you wish to work.
3.     Academic CV,
4.     Writing sample,
5.     Names and contact information of three referees.

Applications can be submitted in either hardcopy or emailed as PDF

Dr. Gordon McOuat
Cosmopolitanism and the Local Project
University of King’s College
6350 Coburg Road
Halifax, NS.  B3H 2A1

situsci at dal.ca

Applications must be received by Monday, March 2 2015.

Further questions about the project and the application procedure should be
directed to:

Dr. Gordon McOuat, History of Science and Technology Programme, University
of King’s College
gmcouat at dal.ca


Dr. Letitia Meynell, Department of Philosophy, Dalhousie University
letitia.meynell at dal.ca

Dalhousie University and the University of King’s College are Employment
Equity/Affirmative Action employers. The universities encourage
applications from qualified Aboriginal peoples, persons with a
disability, racially visible persons, and women.
           *Copyright © 2015 Cosmopolitanism and the Local SSHRC
Partnership Development Grant, All rights reserved.*
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*Our mailing address is:*
Cosmopolitanism and the Local SSHRC Partnership Development Grant
6350 Coburg Rd
Halifax, NS B3H 2A1

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Cosmopolitanism and the Local SSHRC Partnership Development Grant · 6350
Coburg Rd · Halifax, NS B3H 2A1 · Canada

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