[INDOLOGY] twenty-four buddhas/jinas - artistic evidence?

RHKoch rolfheiner.koch at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 12:29:22 UTC 2015

Dear Naomi,
the full set of 24 or even 28 buddhas painted and also sculptured are to 
be find in Sri Lankan monasteries.
Very late (18.-20th century AD), but may be the first evidences?


Am 25.08.2015 um 10:19 schrieb APPLETON Naomi:
> Dear colleagues,
> I am exploring the parallel notions of twenty-four past buddhas and 
> twenty-four past jinas/tirthankaras. I have all the textual references 
> and scholarly materials, as far as I am aware, but I lack expertise in 
> the artistic sources. Does anybody know when or where we find the 
> first appearance of twenty-four buddhas or jinas together? (I am aware 
> of evidence for smaller numbers of past teachers in art from the 
> Ashokan period onwards, but I am particularly interested in when the 
> number 24 makes an appearance.)
> In addition, is the number 24 at all significant in Vaisnava 
> traditions? I am aware of the list of 24 avatāras in the Sikh Dasam 
> Granth.
> Many thanks as always for your help.
> All the best,
> Naomi
> --------------------------------
> Dr Naomi Appleton
> Senior Lecturer, Asian Religions
> School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh
> naomi.appleton at ed.ac.uk <mailto:naomi.appleton at ed.ac.uk>
> http://naomiappleton.wordpress.com
> http://storyofstoryinsouthasia.wordpress.com
> Twitter: @JatakaStories
> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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