[INDOLOGY] Does anyone know of Sanskrit works that use 2nd-syllable rhyming

Nagaraj Paturi nagarajpaturi at gmail.com
Mon Aug 3 05:16:51 UTC 2015

1. 2nd-syllable rhyming in gOpIgItam is an inter-line rhyming which is not
the one mentioned by me as found in Dravidian folklore forms such as
proverbs, riddles etc. and in native Dravidian verse-meters and native
Dravidian lyrical meters. Thus the inter-line second syllable rhyming in
gOpIgItam can not be conclusive enough proof for a southern author's
composition of Bhagavatam.

2. The inter-line second syllable rhyming in gOpIgItam doesn't seem to be
comparable to the compulsory inter-line second syllable rhyming found in
the Sanskrit-borrowed meters in the south (at least in Telugu) because
these meters are usually the 'non-rhythmic' verse-meters such as
S'ArdUlavikrIDita, whereas the meter of gOpIgItam is rhythmic verse-meter
convenient for a rhythmic singing rendering. Sri Naresh Kirtiji
too highlighted the song-like feature of certain verse-meters and such a
feature in the verse-meters of gOpIgItam (the point highlighted by me on
another list)

3. The inter-line second syllable rhyming is followed by the first
sankIrtana poet-singer of Telugu Sri Annamacharyulu (15th century AD, the
author of the Sanskrit book sankIrtanalakshaNa) as a strict rule throughout
his compositions. Whether followed as a compulsory rule or not, it seems to
be found in rhythmic songs as a beat-point indicator and enhancer of the
s'abdasaundarya at the beat-points, in the sankIrtana songs in other Indian
languages too.

4. Therefore the inter-line second syllable rhyming in gOpIgItam indicates
its nature as a sankIrtana song composed in rhythmic verse-meters. How this
identification can help in the dating and place of composition of
Bhagavatam is an issue of further research.

Prof.Nagaraj Paturi

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