[INDOLOGY] Source of "nAdevo devam arcayet"

Harry Spier hspier.muktabodha at gmail.com
Tue Sep 30 01:11:54 UTC 2014

"nādevo devam arcayet" occurs in the following texts in the Muktabodha
digital library (which can be accessed from www.muktabodha.org)

kaulāvalīnirṇaya line: 983
nityāṣoḍaśikārṇavatantra with commentary setubandha line: 11217
mantrakaumudī line: 2903
śāktānandataraṇgiṇī line: 3192
śrīvidyārṇavatantra line: 8700

Just do an etext search on <nAdevo deva>
The < > indicate you are using Harvard-Kyoto transliteration.

Harry Spier
Manager, Muktabodha Digital Library

On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 at 5:15 PM, Chiara Policardi <
chiara.policardi at uniroma1.it> wrote:

> Dear List members,
> what is the source of the citation “nAdevo devam arcayet”?
> It is quoted as “vedic saying” (Coomaraswamy) and “tantrik saying” (Eliade
> and others), but I haven’t ever seen the precise reference.
> Thanking you in advance,
> Chiara Policardi
> PhD student
> La Sapienza University of Rome
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