[INDOLOGY] Macdonell's Vedic Reader

McComas Taylor McComas.Taylor at anu.edu.au
Sun Sep 14 23:52:20 UTC 2014

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to report that Martin Gluckman of the Vedic Society (and an illustrious ANU student) has digitised and 'webified'

Macdonell's Vedic Reader:


I am sure Martin would like to hear back from satisfied users:

martin at vedicsociety.org


McComas Taylor
Head, Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies, CHL, CAP
The Australian National University
Tel. + 61 2 6125 3179
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/mccomasanu/
Address: Baldessin Building 4.24, ANU, ACT 0200
Test drive our new 'Joy of Sanskrit' electronic text book<http://press.anu.edu.au/titles/anu-etext/the-joy-of-sanskrit/>.

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