[INDOLOGY] Nepal reading list
David Fiordalis
dv.fiordalis at gmail.com
Wed Oct 8 19:06:06 UTC 2014
Dear Vanessa,
I, too, am taking students to Nepal (and Bhutan) this coming year (in
January). :-)
Of the various things you might check out, and which haven't yet been
mentioned, I would recommend the work of Mark Liechty. His book, *Out Here
in Kathmandu*, is great. He also has a short, accessible piece (with the
same title) in the edited volume,* Everyday Life in South Asia*.
I can give you some further suggestions offlist, if you like.
Dave Fiordalis
Linfield College
On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 11:26 AM, Lubin, Tim <LubinT at wlu.edu> wrote:
> Vanessa,
> I am co-leading a four-week student class in Nepal this coming May. The
> syllabus is not finalized yet, and it is interdisciplinary (I am doing it
> with an economist), but it will be presentable (if not quite finalized)
> shortly. We are having them read from Levy, Höfer, Bennett, Gellner, and
> Michaels for the readings on social patterns, religion, and pre-20th-c.
> law. Our course also gets into questions related to development (my
> colleague handles this) and laws and the current constitution-drafting. On
> the latter, see the work of Mara Malagodi:
> https://www.soas.ac.uk/staff/staff61759.php
> Best,
> Timothy Lubin
> Professor of Religion and Adjunct Professor of Law
> Washington and Lee University
> Lexington, Virginia 24450
> http://home.wlu.edu/~lubint
> http://wlu.academia.edu/TimothyLubin
> http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=930949 ḷ
> From: <Michaels>, "Michaels, Axel" <
> michaels at asia-europe.uni-heidelberg.de>
> Date: Wednesday, October 1, 2014 11:45 AM
> To: Vanessa Sasson <V.Sasson at marianopolis.edu>, "
> indology at list.indology.info" <indology at list.indology.info>
> Subject: Re: [INDOLOGY] Nepal reading list
> Dear Vanessa,
> here is a short list of some additional reading (only titles in English,
> somewhat outdated but I do not have time to update it). I'll send you
> offline a more extended list. Hope this helps. I mark those with an
> asterisks which I find especially useful for your purpose:
> Best, Axel
> *Prof. Dr. Axel Michaels*| Acting Director Excellence Cluster "Asia and
> Europe in a Global Context" | Director Dept. of Classical Indology,
> South Asia Institute | Director Research Unit "Historical Documents of
> Nepal" of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities |*Contact *|Universität
> Heidelberg, Südasien-Institut| Im Neuenheimer Feld 330, D-69120
> Heidelberg |Tel. +49-6221-548917 / Fax +49-6221-546338 |
> sek-michaels at uni-heidelberg.de
> <https://exchange.uni-heidelberg.de/owa/redir.aspx?C=f1a10da1fac4416a98bc5b9c7fcac9d8&URL=mailto%3asek-michaels%40uni-heidelberg.de> (SAI
> office) | Axel.Michaels at urz.uni-heidelberg.de
> <https://exchange.uni-heidelberg.de/owa/redir.aspx?C=f1a10da1fac4416a98bc5b9c7fcac9d8&URL=mailto%3aAxel.Michaels%40urz.uni-heidelberg.de> (official
> and personal) | michaels at asia-europe.uni-heidelberg.de
> <https://exchange.uni-heidelberg.de/owa/redir.aspx?C=f1a10da1fac4416a98bc5b9c7fcac9d8&URL=mailto%3amichaels%40asia-europe.uni-heidelberg.de> (Cluster
> mail) | *Websites *|
> http://www.asia-europe.uni-heidelberg.de/de/startseite.html |
> http://www.sai.uni-heidelberg.de/abt/IND/index.php |
> http://www.haw.uni-heidelberg.de/forschung/forschungsstellen/nepal/projekt.de.html
> *History:*
> Burghart, Richard (1987), "Gifts to the gods: power, prosperity and
> ceremonial in Nepal", in: D. Cannadine and S. Price (eds.), *Rituals of
> Royalty - Power and Ceremonial in Traditional Societies*, Cambridge:
> Cambridge University Press, pp. 237-270.
> Kumar, Satish (1967), *Rana Polity in Nepal - Origin and Growth*. London:
> Asia Publishing House.
> Regmi, Mahesh Chandra (1976), *Landownership in Nepal*. Berkeley, Los
> Angeles, London: University of California Press.
> Stiller, Ludwig F. (1976), *The Silent Cry - The People of Nepal
> 1816-1839*. Kathmandu: Sahoyogi Press.
> --- 1989. *Prithivinarayan Shah in the Light of Dibya Upadesh*.
> Kathmandu: Himalayan Book Centre (reprint, 1st ed. Ranchi 1968).
> Whelpton, John. 1983. *Jang Bahadur in Europe*. Kathmandu: Sahayogi Press.
> * ---. 1992. * Kings, Soldiers and Priests: Nepalese Politics and the
> Rise of Jang Bahadur Rana, 1830-1857.* Kathmandu: Ratna Pustak Bhandar.
> *Society and Law*
> Bennett, Lynn (1983), *Dangerous Wives and Sacred Sisters - Social and
> Symbolic Roles of High-Caste Women in Nepal*. New York: Columbia
> University Press.
> *Höfer, Andras. 1979. *The Caste Hierarchy and the State in Nepal - A
> Study of the Muluki Ain of 1854*. Innsbruck: Universitätsverlag Wagner
> (Khumbu Himal, 13/2).
> Michaels, Axel. 1993 "Widow burning in Nepal", in: Gerard Toffin (ed.), *Nepal,
> Past and Present. Proceedings of the Franco-German Conference
> Art-et-Senans, June 1990*. Paris: CNRS Editions, pp. 21-34.
> ---. 1994a. "The Legislation of Widow Burning in 19th-Century Nepal.
> Edition and Translation of the Chapter *Satijānyako* of the Mulukī Ain", *Asiatische
> Studien* XLVIII.4: 1213-1240.
> ---. 1997a. "The King and the Cow. On a Crucial Symbol of Hinduization",
> in: David Gellner, Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka and John Whelpton (eds.), *Nationalism
> and Ethnicity in a Hindu Kingdom: The Politics of Culture in Contemporary
> Nepal*. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers, 79-100.
> ---. *The Price of Purity: The Religious Judge in 19th Century Nepal.
> Containing the Edition and Translation of the Chapters on the
> Dharmādhikārin in Two (Mulukī) Ains.* Torino: CESMEO, 2005
> [erschienen/published 2006] (Comitato „Corpus Juris Sancriticum et fontes
> iuris Asiae Meridianae et Centralis”; vol. 6)
> *Art*
> Gutschow, Niels*, The Nepalese Caitya - 1500 Years of Buddhist Votive
> Architecture in the Kathmandu Valley. *With Drawings by Bijay Basukala
> and an Introductory Essay on Newar Buddhism by David Gellner, Stuttgart
> 1997.
> ---. Architecture of Nepal, 3 vols. 2012.
> -- and Bernhard Kölver, *Bhaktapur - Ordered Space, Concepts and
> Functions in a Town of Nepal*. Wiesbaden: Steiner, 1975.
> *Michael Hutt: Nepal. A Guide to the Art and Architecture of the
> Kathmandu Valley, Gartmore 1994.
> *Slusser, Mary Shepherd (1982), *Nepal Mandala - A Cultural Study of the
> Kathmandu Valley*. 2 Vols., Princeton: Princeton University Press.
> *Religion*
> Anderson, Mary M. (1971), *The Festivals of Nepal*. London: Allen & Unwin.
> *Gellner, David: * Monk, Householder, and Tantrik Priest. Newar Buddhism
> and its Hierarchy of Ritual*. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1992.
> *Levy, Robert. (1990), *Mesocosm - Hinduism and the Organization of a
> Traditional Newar City in Nepal*. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press.
> Locke, John K. (1980), *Karunamaya - The Cult of Avalokiteśvara-
> Matsyendranāth in the Valley of Nepal*. Kathmandu: Sahayogi Prakashan.
> Michaels, Axel. *Śiva in Trouble – Festivals and Rituals at the
> Paśupatinātha Temple of Deopatan (Nepal).* Oxford, New York: Oxford
> University Press, 2008.
> ---- (2005). (with Niels Gutschow) *Handling Death. The Dynamics of Death
> and Ancestor Rituals Among the Newars of Bhaktapur, Nepal*. With
> Contributions by Johanna Buss and Nutan Sharma and a Film on DVD by
> Christian Bau*.* Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag (Ethno-Indology; 3).
> ---. 2008. (with Niels Gutschow) *Growing Up – Hindu and Buddhist
> Initiation Rituals among Newar Children in Bhaktapur, Nepal. *With a Film
> on DVD by Christian Bau*.* Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag
> (Ethno-Indology; 6).
> ---. (2012) (with Niels Gutschow) *Getting Married – Hindu and Buddhist
> Marriage Rituals among Newars of Bhaktapur and Patan, Nepal. *With a Film
> on DVD by Christian Bau*.* Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag
> (Ethno-Indology; 12).
> Conference volumes:
> Chr. von Fürer-Haimendorf (Ed.), *The Anthropology of Nepal*. Warminster:
> Aris & Philips, 1974
> Hitchcock, John T., and Rex L. Jone (eds.): *Spirit Possession in the
> Nepal Himalayas*. Warminster (Engl.): Aris and Phillips, 1976.
> Allen, Michael, and S.N. Mukherjee (eds.), *Women in India and Nepal. **Canberra:
> ANU, 1982.*
> Kölver, Bernhard (ed.). 1986. *Formen kulturellen Wandels und andere
> Beiträge zur Erforschung des**Himālaya. *Sankt Augustin: VGH
> Wissenschaftsverlag.
> --- (ed.) 1992. *Aspects of Nepalese Traditions. *Stuttgart: Franz
> Steiner Verlag.
> Gutschow, Niels; Michaels, Axel (eds.). 1987. *Heritage of the Kathmandu
> Valley: Proceedings of an International Conference in Lübeck, 1987*.
> Sankt Augustin: VGH Wissenschaftsverlag
> Kölver, Bernhard (Ed.) (1992), "Seminar on German Research on Nepal" in
> Kathmandu, March 12-15, 1990.Kathmandu: Nepal research Centree.
> Brauen, Martin; Ramble, Charles (eds.). 1993. *Anthropology of Tibet and
> the Himalaya*. Zurich: Ethnological Museum of the University of Zurich
> Toffin, Gerard (ed). 1993. *Nepal, Past and Present: Proceedings of the
> Franco-German Conference Art-et-Senans, June 1990*. Paris: CNRS Editions,
> 21-34.
> Blondeau, Anne-Marie; Steinkellner, Ernst (eds.). 1996. *Reflections of
> the Mountain. Essays on the History and Social Meaning of the Mountain Cult
> in Tibet and the Himalaya.*Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der
> Wissenschaften.
> Michaels, Axel, Cornelia Vogelsanger, Annette Wilke (eds.), *Wild
> Godesses in India and Nepal*, Berne 1996.
> Lienhard, Siegfried (ed.). 1996. *Change and Continuity: Studies in the
> Nepalese Culture of the Kathmandu Valley*. Turin: Edizioni Dell'orso
> Bickel, Balthasar; Gaenszle, Martin (eds.). 1999. *Cultural Horizons and
> Practices in Himalayan Space*. Zurich: Ethnological Museum of the
> University of Zurich.
> Gutschow, Niels, Axel Michaels, Charles Ramble, Ernst Steinkellner
> (Hrsg.),*Sacred Landscape of the Himalaya. *Wien: Österreichische
> Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2003.
> From: Vanessa Sasson <V.Sasson at marianopolis.edu>
> Date: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 8:44 PM
> To: "indology at list.indology.info" <indology at list.indology.info>
> Subject: [INDOLOGY] Nepal reading list
> Dear colleagues,
> This coming January, I will be making the adventurous move of bringing 15
> students to Nepal. I have not been in 20 years, so there is a lot of
> catching up to do!
> The students will each be bringing at least one book about Nepal with them
> (aside from the research they will be doing before we leave), and the books
> will serve as a kind of on-site library at the hotel for them. I am trying
> to put together a good reading list for them to choose from - anything from
> history of Nepal, to the environment, and of course religion, art and
> culture. I have already included a few of David Gellner's books, Todd
> Lewis' Popular Buddhism, and Whelpton's History of Nepal.
> If any of you have recommendations to add, I would be most grateful. I am
> happy to circulate the results of this reading list after I am done putting
> it together. Of course, if you have great articles to include, I will
> happily to include those as well.
> Best wishes,
> Vanessa R. Sasson
> Religious Studies
> Marianopolis College
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