[INDOLOGY] Doctoral position at University of Munich

Stefan Baums baums at lmu.de
Tue Nov 25 15:01:00 UTC 2014

Dear colleagues,

I would like to bring to your attention the following
attractive doctoral position at the University of Munich:


Please share the announcement with anybody who might be

All best,
Stefan Baums


Doctoral Position in Indology / Buddhist Studies

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

Division:             Faculty for the Study of Culture
Start date:           1 March 2015
Application deadline: 15 January 2015
Salary:               TV‐L / 75%
Term of employment:   Two years, with the possibility of
                      renewal for one additional year.

This is a part‐time position (30 hours per week).

The Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) is one of
the most renowned and largest universities in Germany.


The discovery of the oldest Buddhist manuscripts – written
between the first century BCE and the fourth century CE in
the northwest Indian region of Gandhāra – has provided a new
basis for our understanding of this formative phase of
Buddhism. The project ‘Buddhist Manuscripts from Gandhāra’
prepares editions of the newly discovered textual witnesses
and investigates the linguistic, literary and cultural
history of Buddhism in Gandhāra. It is supported by the
Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities and
is based at the LMU Munich.

You will carry out a research project and write a Ph.D.
dissertation that increases our knowledge of Buddhism in
Gandhāra or an associated area of early Indian Buddhism.
While the specific content of your project will be defined
by yourself, you will contribute to the research of the
Gandhāra project and work together with its researchers. You
will be given opportunities for professional development
through participation in the LMU’s interdisciplinary Ph.D.
program in Buddhist Studies.


A very good first degree in a relevant discipline (e.g.,
Indology, South Asian art history or archeology, Buddhist
Studies, Sinology) is a prerequisite. You will be expected
to make an original contribution to knowledge on the basis
of primary sources and through scholarly argumentation. We
offer individual support and an inspiring environment.

Your workplace is centrally located in Munich and easy to
reach by public transport. We offer an interesting and
responsible position with good opportunities for
professional development. Equally qualified disabled
applicants will be preferred. Female candidates are
encouraged to apply.


You will receive an attractive salary corresponding to 75%
of a full‐time position under in accordance with the
‘Tarifvertrag für den Öffentlichen Dienst der Länder
(TV‐L)’ (http://oeffentlicher-dienst.info/tv-l/west).

Further information



Please send the following application material by email:

(A) as a PDF file (maximum size 5 MB):

(1) cover letter (statement of purpose)
(2) curriculum vitae
(3) copies of degrees
(4) research proposal (maximum of 5,000 characters including
    spaces) and bibliography
(5) writing sample (ca. 10–20 pages), e.g. from your M.A.
    thesis, in the original language
(6) if applicable, list of publications

(B) names, addresses and email addresses of two referees

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Department für Asienstudien
Institut für Indologie und Tibetologie
Prof. Dr. Jens-Uwe Hartmann
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
80539 München
E-Mail: evelyn.kindermann at lmu.de


Dr. Stefan Baums
Institute for Indian and Tibetan Studies
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

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