[INDOLOGY] Fwd: sad day

Dominik Wujastyk wujastyk at gmail.com
Fri May 23 18:21:10 UTC 2014

​Dear Paolo,​

Your derogatory remark about North Americans was made publicly on this
list.  When I read it, I hoped you were joking
​, since you did have a smiley ​
​but ​
email is a poor medium for ironic jokes).  If you seriously meant it as an
ethnographical analysis of North Americans, but on second thoughts wish
retract it, please do so here too.  If you wish to pursue a defence of the
assertion, then I think it must be said to fall outside the scope of

I think we can all agree that we deplore the use of financial metaphors for
non-financial matters, what anthropologists like Marylin Strathern have
called the "spread of the audit culture."  But my experience of European
institutions shows me that this practice is just as pervasive in Europe as
anywhere else. In Britain, the decisive turn to viewing every human act as
a form of business transaction was achieved by the Thatcher government, and
has been in force ever since.
​  Maybe it's not so in Italy.  :-)​



it is true that North Americans have a flair for boiling everything down to
> money :-)          (I beg your forgiveness for my impertinence).​

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