[INDOLOGY] Dates and 'saīkā'

Tyler Williams tylerwwilliams at gmail.com
Tue Mar 25 20:54:58 UTC 2014

Dear colleagues,

Has anyone come across the use of the word 'saīka' (saIkA) in the sense of
'one hundred' in the context of dates, colophons, or other numeric records?

The term comes up in the context of the following verse (in Brajbhasha)
which records the date of death of the saint Haridas of Rajasthan:

samvata solaha sai ju saīkā ṛtu vasanta ānandamaīkā
phagaṇa sudi ṣaṣṭamī jānāṃ jana haridāsa hari māṃhi samānā

In samvat sixteen hundred "saīka" in the blissful season of spring
Know that on the sixth of the bright half of Phalgun, Haridas became
absorbed in Hari.

(The ju here appears to be simply a verse-filler, which is very common in
poetry from this place and time.)

Neha Baid argues has argued that the term saīkā means 'one hundred' in this
context, and therefore the date should be read as VS 1700, not 1600.  I
have yet to find such a used attested in any other text.  Has anyone else?

With thanks in anticipation of any suggestions or advice,

Tyler Williams
Columbia University

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