[INDOLOGY] NEW PUBLICATION: The Archaeology of Bhakti I: Mathurā and Maturai, Back and Forth. (Collection Indologie n° 125)

Jean-Luc Chevillard jean-luc.chevillard at univ-paris-diderot.fr
Fri Jun 13 16:19:20 UTC 2014

Readers of this list may be interested in a new publication in the joint 
"Indologie" collection of the IFP (Institut Français de Pondichéry) and 
EFEO (École Française d'Extrême-Orient).

See details below and attached flyer

/The Archaeology of Bhakti I: Mathurā and Maturai, Back and Forth./
Edited by Emmanuel Francis & Charlotte Schmid, Collection Indologie n° 
125, Institut Français de Pondichéry / Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient, 
2014, xiii, 366 p.

Language: English. 1000 Rs (43 €). ISBN (IFP): 978-81-8470-200-2. ISBN 
(EFEO): 978-2-85539-139-7.


Introduction: Towards an Archaeology of Bhakti (Emmanuel Francis & 
Charlotte Schmid) -- Dharma, Yoga, and Viraha-Bhakti in
Buddhacarita and Kṛṣṇacarita (Tracy Coleman) -- Skanda/Kārttikeya and 
the Imperial Guptas: Coinage, Religionand Political
Ideology (4th-5th century CE) (Cédric Ferrier) -- Bhakti in its Infancy: 
Genealogy Matters in the Kailāsanātha of Kāñcīpuram
(Charlotte Schmid) --Lakṣmī and the Tigers: A Goddess in the Shadows 
(Padma Kaimal) -- ‘Woe to Them!’: The Śaiva Curse
Inscription at Mahābalipuram (7th century CE) (Emmanuel Francis) -- A 
Medieval Tamil Poem on Bhakti: Tiruppāvaiby Āṇṭāḷ
(Alexander Dubyanskiy) -- On the Non-Vālmīkian Sources of Kulacēkara 
Āḻvār’s‘Mini-Rāmāyaṇa’ (Suganya Anandakichenin) --
When Tradition Meets Archaeological Reality:The Site of Tiruccentūr 
(Valérie Gillet) -- The Infant Krṣ̥ṇa in the Guruvāyūr Temple
with Particular Reference to the Nārāyaṇīya of Nārāyaṇabhaṭṭa (S.A.S. 


This volume — the outcome of a workshop-cum-conference that took place
from 1st to 12th August 2011 in the Pondicherry Centre of the École 
française d’Extrême-Orient,— is an invitation to practise the
“archaeology of Bhakti” with the help of both textual and non-textual

Bhakti, broadly defined as an attitude, a strategy or a style of 
devotion — one that may be intellectual, emotional or rooted in acts of 
worship—towards God or the Divine, manifests itself through the personal
voices of devotees as well as through the collective effort that 
constitutes the building of a temple. The “archaeology of Bhakti” aims 
at correlating different realms of representation, such as texts and 
images, in order to illuminate the elusive, pan-Indian phenomenon of Bhakti.

The focus is on sources, agencies and layers. A special attention is 
given to inscriptions, which belong both to the realm of artefacts and 
to that of texts, and which help to distinguish royal demonstrations of 
Bhakti from local manifestations. In the realm of textual sources, 
“archaeology” is put to work to identify how literary conventions and
concepts have formed and been incorporated, layer upon layer, into a 
given composition.

After an introduction by the editors about the complexities of the 
concept and practices of Bhakti in the Indian world, essays by nine 
scholars explore the phenomena of Bhakti and their chronology from
different perspectives (textual, epigraphical, archaeological, 
iconographical). In the course of these explorations, the reader is
transported from the North to the South of the subcontinent, back and 
forth between Mathurā and Maturai.

Best wishes

-- Jean-Luc Chevillard

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