[INDOLOGY] New Institute in Rome

Stella Sandahl ssandahl at sympatico.ca
Sat Jul 26 13:59:15 UTC 2014

Dear colleagues,

I have the pleasure to announce the creation of ISAS, L’instituto Internazionale di Studi Sud Asiatici  (International Institute of  South Asian Studies), a non-profit cultural association,  which will open in Rome, Italy this coming fall.

 ISAS’ purpose is to encourage the development of knowledge, conservation and understanding of South Asia, with special emphasis on India. ISAS proposes to be a hub between South Asian academies and academicians and their Western counterparts by promoting cultural exchange and peaceful relations between the Western world and South Asia, and excellence in historical, socio-cultural, artistic, architectural and archeological research and the exchange of scholars and teachers with South Asian academic institutions, colleges and universities.

 ISAS will organize exhibitions, displays, national and international conferences, lectures, presentation of books, films/documentaries of cultural interest and study/research trips to South Asian countries and also offer courses in Indian culture, history and society along with teaching of ancient and modern languages.

 ISAS will also have a library for consultation.

 For further information please look at the website: http://www.institutesouthasia-rome.com

ISAS will be located in central  Rome at Via Reggio Emilia 81

With best regards to all
Stella Sandahl
Professor Stella Sandahl
Department of East Asian Studies
130 St. George St. room 14087
Toronto, ON M5S 3H1
ssandahl at sympatico.ca
stella.sandahl at utoronto.ca

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