[INDOLOGY] Precomposed characters vs combining characters

Dominik Wujastyk wujastyk at gmail.com
Tue Jan 14 13:10:27 UTC 2014

Although the Unicode standard describes both forms as canonically
normalized,* <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_equivalence> I would
recommend precomposed (or NFC, *Normalization Form Canonical Composition*).
At the top of my XeLaTeX files, for example, I routinely say
"\XeTeXinputnormalization=1" which means the output PDFs contain
precomposed characters, whatever I do in my input file.  I think you should
not pay too much attention to the current (dis)abilities of various
word-processors.  In the Big World, and in the future, precomposed is what
makes sense.  The task of intelligent printing, searching and sorting -- of
searching for ss and also finding ß, for Mueller and finding Müller --  is
most appropriately located in the rendering and search/sort routines, not
the encoding of the text.  Actually, properly Unicode-compliant text
processing utilities are required to handle all NF(K)C and NF(K)D forms
without blinking.  Also, W3C normalization requires NFC. So if a text is
going to be rendered on a website, it should be in NFC (or in a character
reference entity, which looks nice but is normally horrible to work with).

See also question two, in the Unicode normalization
"NFC is the best form for general text, since it is more compatible with
strings converted from legacy encodings."


​See also. <http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr15/#Implementation_Notes>

Dr Dominik Wujastyk
Department of South Asia, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies<http://stb.univie.ac.at>
University of Vienna,
Spitalgasse 2-4, Courtyard 2, Entrance 2.1
1090 Vienna, Austria
Adjunct Professor,
Division of Health and Humanities,
St. John's Research Institute, <http://www.sjri.res.in/> Bangalore, India.
Project <http://www.istb.univie.ac.at/caraka/> | home
HSSA <http://hssa.sayahna.org> | PGP <http://wujastyk.net/pgp.html>

On 14 January 2014 01:01, Marco Franceschini <
franceschini.marco at fastwebnet.it> wrote:

> Dear friends,
> I’m devising a keyboard layout (on OS X) for the Italian "physical"
> keyboard, that allows the user to type all the combinations of a base
> character with one or more diacritics that are used for the transliteration
> of many Indian scripts as well as Arabic and Perso-Arabic scripts, in
> conformity with the main standards and transliteration schemes used in
> scholarly publications. I’m using Ukelele for this purpose.
> My keyboard layout makes extensive use of dead keys: it allows the user to
> combine up to three diacritics to one base character, in order to let
> her/him to add Vedic tone signs (represented by grave/acute or vertical
> stroke above/underbar) to the transliterated text. Diacritics can be typed
> in any order, and the base character must be typed after them. The complete
> list of the allowed combinations is available here:
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/6k057ksula49zqf/TABELLA.pdf
> My question is: should I encode the output as precomposed characters (or
> as combinations of a precomposed character plus added diacritics –as far as
> precomposed characters are available, of course) or should I use combining
> characters throughout (that is: sequences of the codes of all the
> glyphs that constitute the final character)?
> My keyboard is based on the “Italiano - Pro” keyboard layout that comes
> with OS X, in which just a few combinations of a base character+diacritic
> are provided. With a few exceptions, they are not used in the
> transliteration of Indian/Arabic scripts, but they are widely used in
> Italian language (e.g.: è é ì ò ù etc.). All of these combinations are
> encoded by the “Italiano - Pro” keyboard layout as precomposed characters.
> I’m tempted to use combining characters throughout (and to convert the
> encoding of the combinations inherited from the “Italiano - Pro” keyboard
> accordingly). But I hesitate, because I know that only a few word
> processors (e.g. Nisus, which I'm using) are able to recognize the two
> different encodings (precomposed and combining characters) as equivalent
> for Finding/Replacing and Sorting purposes, while the most widespread
> softwares are not (Word for Mac, Neo Office, Open Office); and this fact
> would create problems if one adds/mixes text typed with my keyboard layout
> to an old file typed with the “Italiano - Pro” keyboard layout.
> Precomposed characters or combining characters? This is the dilemma. Has
> any of you already faced such a quandary?
> Best,
> Marco Franceschini
> ---
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