[INDOLOGY] Fwd: Information on position of Sanskrit professor in Paris

Dominik Wujastyk wujastyk at gmail.com
Sun Feb 23 10:43:33 UTC 2014

Here is the job advertisement as text, in case the attachments caused


*Position of Professor of Sanskrit language and literatures at the
University Paris-3 Sorbonne-Nouvelle*

The University Paris-3 Sorbonne-Nouvelle will appoint a specialist of
Sanskrit language and literatures as Professor at the University of Paris-3
(*“PR 0861 Langue et littératures sanskrites”*), *Département Etudes
arabes, hébraïques, iraniennes et indiennes, UFR Langues, Littératures,
Civilisations et Sociétés Etrangères*. All areas of expertise in this broad
field are welcome *insofar as they are complementary with those already
represented in the Department.*

The successful candidate will be expected to teach courses at all levels
concerned by the curriculum of Indian studies at the University of Paris-3,
from Sanskrit for beginners to advanced students (*Licence, Master,
Doctorat*). He/she will supervise Master and Doctoral research in various
fields of classical Indian studies and play a major role in the further
development of this field. He/she will be affiliated to the UMR 7528 *“Mondes
iranien et indien”* and contribute research in Sanskrit and related areas
of his/her expertise with publications, organizations of seminars, etc.. It
is expected that he/she will be directing innovative research projects at
an international level.

The successful candidate will start at the beginning of the next academic
year (September-October 2014).

* Application*

1) French applicants need to hold a valid qualification for professorship
by the *Conseil National des Universités*.

2) Applicants who already hold a position equivalent to the one advertised
in a University outside France can apply without having been qualified by
the *Conseil National des Universités*. The decision on the receivability
of their applications will be made by the Scientific Council of the
University Paris-3 on the basis of two reports on their work presented by
two colleagues of the field (one internal and one external). If acceptable,
their files will be transmitted to the relevant selection committee.

All applicants should follow the procedure as indicated in *GALAXIE*.
The applications will have to be entered in
*GALAXIE* between 27 February (10 a.m.) and 1st April (4 p.m.).

See *http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000021158665
more details, especially Articles 11 and 12.

University of Paris-3 Sorbonne Nouvelle
Prof. Dr. Nalini Balbir, head of the Selection Committee
(*nalini.balbir at univ-paris3.fr
<nalini.balbir at univ-paris3.fr>*)

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