[INDOLOGY] Intensive Course in Old Javanese

Arlo Griffiths arlogriffiths at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 13 10:29:23 UTC 2014



Trawas, Mojokerto, East Java, Indonesia — 13 through
28 June 2014


organized by the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia (Perpusnas)

in collaboration with the École française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO) and

the Royal Netherlands Institute for Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies


Aiming to support the training of a new generation of
Old Javanese philologists and to stimulate international collaboration in this
field, the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia (Perpusnas) in
collaboration with the École française d’Extrême-Orient (French School of Asian
Studies, EFEO) and the Royal Netherlands Institute for Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies
(KITLV) will organize this year an intensive course in Old Javanese.


Concept. An academic retreat
lasting 15 days attended by about 20 students who will be guided in intensive
manner by 3 specialists of Old Javanese philology. The program will take place
in typical Javanese natural surroundings while the learning experience will be enriched
by excursions to vestiges of ancient Hindu and Buddhist civilization in East


Aim. The student who has completed
the intensive course is able independently to read and analyse Old Javanese
texts and is aware of the available research tools (Dictionaries, Grammars,


Location. The program will take
place on a location on the flank of Mount Penanggungan in East Java that is
conducive to intensive collective study and in whose vicinity are found
vestiges of ancient Javanese culture such as temples, sculptures and stone inscriptions in
Old Javanese language. 


Dates. The program will take
place from 13 through 28 June, 2014.


Teachers. The team of teachers is
composed of Willem van der Molen (KITLV and University of Indonesia), Arlo
Griffiths (EFEO and UI) and Dwi Puspitorini (UI).


Course content. The
first week we will focus on intensive study of Old Javanese grammar, after
which, during the second week, we will read representative samples of three
principal genres of the Old Javanese textual corpus: Parwas, Kakawins,
Inscriptions (2 hours per day each).


Language of Instruction.


Participants. We
will admit about 15 participants from Indonesian universities or other institutions.
We also welcome about 5 foreign scholars of Sanskrit or other related fields,
or foreign graduate students, who wish to learn Old Javanese.


Admission. Admission will proceed
through selection on the basis of an application file which should consist of: 

(a)   your CV

(b)  a statement of motivation explaining your interest in participation

(c)   if relevant a reasoned request for financial support toward your
international travel costs

Please compile your application in a single pdf file
and send it to as soon as possible to:


Panitia Workshop Bahasa Jawa Kuno

email: lkk at pnri.go.id with cc to arlo.griffiths at efeo.net


Admission for foreign participants will be open from
the date of publication of this announcement until March 30.


Costs. Selected participants
are expected to travel on their own expense to Juanda International Airport in
Surabaya. In exceptional cases, we may be able to offer a contribution to those
costs. There is no registration fee, and we will shoulder the costs of
transportation between Surabaya and the location on Mount Penanggungan,
lodging, board, excursions, and study material.

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