[INDOLOGY] Traditional/ insider's view of language or dialect status of Prakrits
Nagaraj Paturi
nagarajpaturi at gmail.com
Mon Dec 29 18:36:42 UTC 2014
Thanks Dr. Ollett.
'Dialect' is a modern category from the discipline of linguistics is
What are the emic categories/ perspectives found in Sanskrit and Prakrit
sources in reference to 1. Sanskrit and Prakrits 2. Their mutual relation
3. Their status in relation to each other ?
To which etic categories/ perspectives do those emic
categories/perspectives come close ? Or In what contemporary terms can we
translate those emic categories/perspectives the best?
Which of the two: 'language' or 'dialect' a suitable way of translating the
emic categories towards Prakrit?
Books dealing with these issues are what I am looking for. List members
kindly guided me to some such books. Dr. Ollett's suggestions are very much
useful in this regard.
Thanks again.
On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 10:31 PM, Andrew Ollett <andrew.ollett at gmail.com>
> Most of the responses take for granted that “Prakrit” is Sanskrit that is
> (a) incorrect, or (b) at a further stage of linguistic development, and
> interesting sociolinguistic and historical-linguistic insights come from
> this definition.
> But one way to reframe Dr. Paturi's question is: what are the schemas
> under which “Prakrit” (or “the Prakrits”) was classified in ancient and
> medieval India?
> Regarding the use of the word prākṛta- in reference to a language (or
> dialect), one can consult Pischel's grammar (§§1ff.), and V. Pisani, “On
> the Origin of Prākṛtam and Pāli as Language Designations,” pp. 185–191 in *Felicitation
> Volume Presented to Professor Sripad Krishna Belvalkar*, Benares: M.B.
> Dass, 1957 (completely outdated when it comes to Pali). And my
> dissertation, eventually. As far as I know, the earliest such uses, which
> are still difficult to date reliably, are in the Nāṭyaśāstra (of pāṭhyam),
> in the Gāthāsaptaśatī (of kāvyam), and in the Sthānāṅgasūtra (of bhaṇitī).
> Dr. Paturi might be interested in the classification found in the Eastern
> Prakrit grammarians, viz. bhāṣā, vibhāṣā, apabhraṃśa, and paiśācika.
> Acharya’s ed. of the Prākṛtasarvasva has some discussion of this.
> On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 7:51 AM, Michael Witzel <witzel at fas.harvard.edu>
> wrote:
>> In addition see the detailed discussions:
>> ** Tracing the Vedic dialects.* in: Colette Caillat, Dialectes dans les
>> litteratures indo-aryennes. Actes du Colloque International organise par UA
>> 1058 sous les auspices du C.N.R.S avec le soutien du College de France, de
>> la Fondation Hugot du College de France, de l'Universite de Paris III, du
>> Ministre des Affaires Etrangeres, Paris (Fondation Hugot) 16-18 Septembre
>> 1986.
>> Paris (College de France, Institut de Civilisation Indienne) 1989; 97-264
>> [where you can see that a particular local dialect feature (widely)
>> spreads in the subsequent text levels]
>> ** Notes on Vedic dialects, 1. * Zinbun, Annals of the Institute for
>> Research in Humanities, Kyoto University, 67 (1991) Kyoto 1991, 31-70
>> ** Notes on Vedic Dialects, 2. *In : G. Schweiger (ed.), Indogermanica.
>> FS für Gert Klingenschmitt. Indische, iranische und indogermanische Studien
>> dem verehrten Jubilar dargebracht zu seinem fünfundsechigsten Geburtstag.
>> Taimering: Schweiger VWT-Verlag 2005, 733-743.
>> Cheers,
>> Michael
>> On Dec 27, 2014, at 1:18 PM, Hock, Hans Henrich wrote:
>> Language periodization, just like many aspects of textual
>> periodization, is a perennial problem and only further complicates the
>> picture. There are Prakritic forms as early as the Rig Veda (such as
>> *vikaṭa* beside *vikṛta*, or *kitava* for expected *kṛtavat*).
>> Regarding Vedic “dialects”, there is an interesting paper by Emeneau: The
>> dialects of Old Indo-Aryan. In: *Ancient Indo-European dialects*, ed. by
>> Henrik Birnbaum and Jaan Puhvel, 123–138. Berkeley/Los Angeles: University
>> of California Press, 1966.
>> Cheers,
>> Hans Henrich Hock
>> On 27-Dec-2014, at 3:38, Oleg Bendz <oleg.bendz at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> 2014-12-27
>> Dear All:
>> The "prakrit" of Gandhara (the Kushans) had an army, but maybe not a
>> navy.
>> Language periodization may be an important consideration.
>> The problem of language and dialect may reside in the terminology itself.
>> I should stop here.
>> O.Bendz
>> On Friday, December 26, 2014 5:48 PM, Matthew Kapstein <
>> mkapstei at uchicago.edu> wrote:
>> >Ultimately, a clear distinction between “language” and “dialects” eludes
>> even modern linguistics, in spite of long discussions of this issue.
>> As Max Weinreich elegantly put it: "A language is a dialect with an army
>> and navy."
>> Matthew Kapstein
>> Directeur d'études,
>> Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes
>> Numata Visiting Professor of Buddhist Studies,
>> The University of Chicago
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>> Michael Witzel
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>> Wales Prof. of Sanskrit,
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Prof.Nagaraj Paturi
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