[INDOLOGY] Bulletin of the Asia Institute, vol. 24 contents

Jason Neelis jneelis at wlu.ca
Tue Dec 16 21:17:57 UTC 2014

Dear Indology list,

Carol Bromberg asks me to please post the contents of the Bulletin of the Asia Institute 24 (December 2014):

David Stronach, Solomon at Pasargadae: Some New Perspectives

Domenico Agostini, Encountering a Beautiful Maiden: On the Zoroastrian dēn in Comparison with Dante’s Beatrice

Yishai Kiel, Gazing through Transparent Objects in Pahlavi and Rabbinic Literature: A Comparative Analysis

Dieter Weber, Villages and Estates in the Documents from the Pahlavi Archive: The Geographical Background

Michael Shenkar, The Epic of Farāmarz in the Panjikent Paintings  (2 color plates)

Étienne de la Vaissière, Silk, Buddhism and Early Khotanese Chronology: A Note on the Prophecy of the Li Country

Harry Falk, Libation Trays from Gandhara

Phyllis Granoff, Maitreya and the Yūpa: Some Gandharan Reliefs

David Frendo, Sovereignty, Control, and Co-existence in Byzantine-Iranian Relations: An Overview

Zsuzsanna Gulácsi, The Prophet’s Seal: A Contextualized Look at the Crystal Sealstone of Mani (216–276 c.e.) in the Bibliothèque nationale de France (2 color plates)


Prods Oktor Skjærvø, Gnosis and Deliverance: Werner Sundermann's "Speech of the Living Soul"

Azarnouche, ed. and trans. Husraw ī Kawādān-ē ud Rēdag-ē: Khosrow fils de Kawād et un page (Jenny Rose)

Agostini. Ayādgār ī Jāmāspīg: Un texte eschatologique zoroastrien (Daniel Sheffield)

Jullien, ed. Eastern Christianity: A Crossroads of Cultures (David Frendo)

$80 individuals

$95 institutions

+ shipping

Contact: bai34 at comcast.net<mailto:bai34 at comcast.net>

Thank you,
Jason Neelis
Wilfrid Laurier University

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