[INDOLOGY] Vandor on the gaṇḍī

Ryan Damron rdamron at berkeley.edu
Wed Dec 10 23:02:09 UTC 2014

Dear all,

Would anyone happen to have a pdf of Ivan Vandor's article on the gaṇḍī wooden gong?  I am far from my home institution, which has only a bound copy of the needed journal.  Here are the details:

Vandor, Ivan. "The Gandi: Musical Instrument of Buddhist India Recently Identified in a Tibetan Monastery." The World of Music 17 (1975): 24-27

Much thanks,


Ryan Damron
Doctoral Candidate
Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies
University of California, Berkeley
7233 Dwinelle Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720-2520
rdamron at berkeley.edu

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