[INDOLOGY] Fwd: ICPBS website

Walter Slaje slaje at kabelmail.de
Wed Oct 9 16:56:51 UTC 2013

Forwarded on behalf of Yasuhiro Sueki.
Best, WS

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yasuhiro SUEKI <y-sueki at icabs.ac.jp>
Date: 2013/10/9
Subject: ICPBS website
To: walter.slaje at indologie.uni-halle.de, slaje at t-online.de

  Dear Prof. Dr. Walter Slaje,

Our College has just launched a new website named ICPBS Digital
Collections. You can find back issues of the Journal of the ICPBS,
Concordances to the Buddhist Canon (2 items), Itokura, and the latest
version 1.3 of the Bibliographical Sources for Buddhist Studies. Doctoral
dissertations will be opened at this site in the future.
We will be very happy if you would kindly inform your students on our new

Address of the website: https://icabs.repo.nii.ac.jp/

Your kind attention will be highly appreciated.

Sincerely Yours,

Yasuhiro Sueki
Chief Librarian
International College for Postgraduate Studies Library (ICPBS Library)
2-8-9 Kasuga, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0003, Japan
Phone: 03-5981-5277 Fax: 03-5981-5284
email: y-sueki at icabs.ac.jp

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