[INDOLOGY] Lacôte, Essai sur Guṇāḍhya

Andrew Ollett andrew.ollett at gmail.com
Wed Oct 2 21:16:32 UTC 2013

As much as I've tried to avoid using the list as a document delivery
service, I'm hoping that someone could send me a scan of Félix Lacôte's
Essai sur Guṇāḍhya et la Bṛihatkathā (Paris 1908), or better yet, put this
wonderful and out-of-copyright book on archive.org for others to access.
It's not in the usual places (archive.org or DLI). Google books has a
scan<http://books.google.com/books?id=ukZG_D_4AkQC>of the 1923 English
translation that is not accessible, and Hathi Trust
surprisingly doesn't seem to have it at all. Thanks,


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