[INDOLOGY] Silent witness

George Thompson gthomgt at gmail.com
Sun Mar 31 19:57:26 UTC 2013

Dear List,

I sent the following brief note to Patrick two days ago.  I had intended it
to go to the list in general.  Perhaps it will be useful if I now add it to
the general conversation:

Dear Patrick,

Besides sAkSin and related forms [e.g., kUTa-sAkSin, pratyakSin, etc.], you
might want to look at other synonyms like udAsIna, etc., all more or less
epithets of Atman.
Best wishes to all,

[p.s. I too would like to know more about Dipak's paper]

On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 6:38 AM, Matthew Kapstein <mkapstei at uchicago.edu>wrote:

>  Dear Patrick,
> For a perceptive philosophical investigation of the saak.sin in Advaita
> thought, you may be interested
> to consult Bina Gupta, The Disinterested Witness: A Fragment of Advaita
> Vedanta Phenomenology
> (Northwestern University Press, 1998).
> Best,
> Matthew
> Matthew Kapstein
> Directeur d'études,
> Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes
> Numata Visiting Professor of Buddhist Studies,
> The University of Chicago
>   ------------------------------
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