[INDOLOGY] Sanskrit syntax seminar and workshop

Peter Scharf scharfpm7 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 14 15:41:06 UTC 2013

Seminar on Sanskrit syntax
13-15 June 2013
Université Paris Diderot

Dear colleagues,
	I would announce that the deadline has been extended for submission of abstracts and presentation proposals for the seminar on Sanskrit syntax and discourse structures we are organizing in Paris, June 13-15, and for the workshop on computational Sanskrit syntax to follow it, 17-21 June.  We invite interested scholars to submit presentation proposals up to 1 April.  Please see the details at the following link:

http://sanskritlibrary.org/tomcat/sl/BC?name=SyntaxParis/announce&context=~Events&title=Syntax Seminar

	Please pass the announcement on with reference to the above link privately and to relevant list-servers.
	Thank you.

Peter M. Scharf
scharfpm7 at gmail.com

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