[INDOLOGY] mnemotechnics and visualisation in Indian traditional recitation techniques

Jan E.M. Houben jemhouben at gmail.com
Mon Jun 17 12:30:22 UTC 2013

Dear Viktoria,
For your theme Hartmut Scharfe's Education in Ancient India (Leiden, 2002)
is a must.
See e.g. his comparative remarks (p 242) on "mnemonics" of the Greeks and
Romans and the memorization technique of the Vedic people.

On 17 June 2013 13:26, Viktoria Lysenko <vglyssenko at yandex.ru> wrote:

> My gratitude for those colleagues who reacted to my request!
> The problem that I have no access to modern libraries in Moscow, and some
> papers which I need are not available in the net.
> Could someone send me pdfs of Harry Falk ("Goodies for India: literacy,
> orality, and Vedic culture."Sonderforschungsbereichs ‘Übergänge und
> Spannungsfelder zwischen Mündlichkeitund Schriftlichkeit’. Hrsg. Wolfgang
> Raible. Tübingen: Gunter Narr. Pp. 103-120). And Fritz Staal  (1989): "The
> independence of rationality from literacy." Archives Européennes de
> Sociologie / European Journal of Sociology 30, 301-310). As well as Staal's
> paper on the memorizing techniques of the Nambudiri Brahmins which involve
> postures and mudrās, with pictures taken by the author of the article.
> Victoria Lysenko, dr.hab.philos.
> Head, Department for Oriental philosophy studies
> Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
> Moscow, Volkhonka, 14
> Professor, Russian State University for Humanities
> Russia
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Prof. Dr. Jan E.M. Houben,
Directeur d Etudes « Sources et Histoire de la Tradition Sanskrite »
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, SHP,
A la Sorbonne,45-47, rue des Ecoles,
75005 Paris -- France.
JEMHouben at gmail.com

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