[INDOLOGY] Sacrificial Tortoise?

Luis Gonzalez-Reimann reimann at berkeley.edu
Wed Jul 31 21:49:12 UTC 2013

Hi George,

You can look at the beginning of /S'atapatha Bra-hman.a/ 7.5.1 
(Ma-dhyandina, 9.4.2 in the Ka-n.va recension) for the use of a tortoise 
in the ritual.

Luis González-Reimann

on 7/31/2013 2:24 PM Herman Tull wrote:
> Well-known is the SB's description of the placing of a tortoise in the 
> first layer of the agnicayana (Eggeling's translation): "He then puts 
> down a (living) tortoise (kUrmaH);--the tortoise means life sap: it is 
> life-sap (blood) he thus bestows on Agni..." (the explanation 
> continues on for about ten sections -- SB ff.)
> Herman Tull
> On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 5:04 PM, George Hart <glhart at berkeley.edu 
> <mailto:glhart at berkeley.edu>> wrote:
>     Akana-n_u-r_u 361 (probably dating to the first 2 centuries CE)
>     mentions a sacrifice in which a tortoise is placed in a fiery
>     sacrificial pit (tittiyam) for the gods "whose flowers do not
>     fade" to eat.  This is also referred to 5 or 6 centuries later in
>     the Ci-vakacinta-man.i (2878).  I have never heard of such a
>     ritual and am wondering whether it is mentioned in Sanskrit.  The
>     poem uses the image quite beautifully: a man separated from his
>     beloved as he crosses the wilderness to get wealth addresses his
>     heart, telling it that it must not think of her and must not be
>     like the tortoise in the sacrificial pit longing for its cool,
>     shadowed pond.  George Hart
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> *Herman Tull
> Princeton, NJ *
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