[INDOLOGY] question for European Indologists

soni at staff.uni-marburg.de soni at staff.uni-marburg.de
Thu Jul 4 05:18:17 UTC 2013

The first time I really ´studied´ Sanskrit (and then understanding the  
mantras which we had learnt by rote), was in the 70s, and through the  
Jesuit priest Antoine´s book on Sanskrit. in 2 volumes. Now it sounds  
strange that a traditional Sanskritist here in Banaras used this as a  
text book, this was for English speaking students.

By that time I had passed the stage of fearing the classical languages  
as with Latin when we said at school: Latin is a subject as dead as  
dead can be; it killed the ancient Romans and now it´s killing me!
Sanskrit is now keeping me alive.


Wed, 03 Jul 2013 Dominik Wujastyk wrote

> I
> ​ know the Subject line of this email thread says "European," but ​
> I
> ​'m sure I am not alone in being very curious ​
> a
> ​bout the student experience​
> s
> ​ of our colleagues in India and elsewhere in S. Asia.
> Best,
> Dominik​

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