[INDOLOGY] Wilkins' Geeta

Christophe Vielle christophe.vielle at uclouvain.be
Wed Apr 24 16:11:58 UTC 2013

Here a quick compilation of links 

(a part is a mere copy from "Indologica - Digitalisierte Werke": http://www.indologica.de/drupal/?q=node/62) :

• ?
(apparently the original one, but it doesn't work..)
• Reprint from the 1785 ed., New York 1867 :


• Repr. from the 1785 ed., Chicago 1871:




• French Translation

Wilkins, Charles (1750-1836) [Übers.]
Le Bhaguat-Geeta ou dialogues de Kreeshna et d'Arjoon : contenant un précis de la religion & de la morale des indiens / trad. du samscrit, la langue sacrée des Brahmes, en anglois, par Charles Wilkins et de l'anglois en françois par M. Parraud. - À Londres et se trouve à Paris : Chez Buisson, 1787. - 6, clxii, 180 S.
Einheitssachtitel des übers. Werks: Bhagavadgītā <franz.>; Einheitssachtitel der Vorlage: The Bhagvat-Geeta : or, dialogues of Kreeshna and Arjoon <franz.>
Notiz: Übersetzer ins Französische: Parraud, Joseph Pascal (1752-21.Sept.1832), vgl. Journal des Savans, année 1832, S. 566 (Google Books).

URL: http://books.google.de/books?id=LEITAAAAQAAJ (Google Books. Digitalisiert: 8. April 2008, Vorlage: Univ. Lausanne)
Dateiformat: G; PDF

URL: http://books.google.de/books?id=iB8PAAAAQAAJ (Google Books. Digitalisiert: 17. Januar 2008, Vorlage: Univ. Gent)
Dateiformat: G; PDF

URL: http://www.archive.org/details/lebhaguatgeetaou00wilkuoft (Internet Archive. Digitalisiert: 5. Juni 2008, Vorlage: University of Toronto)
Dateiformat: DjVu; PDF; TXT


• New Ed. Calcutta 1845 :

• New Ed. Bangalore 1849 :

The Bhagavat-geeta : or, Dialogues of Krishna and Arjoon, in eighteen lectures ; Sanscrit, Canarese, and English, in parallel columns / the Sanscrit text from Schlegel's edition ; the Canarese newly translated ... ; the English translation by Charles Wilkins, with his preface and notes, etc., and the introduction by ... Warren Hastings ; with an appendix containing additional notes from Wilson ... Milman etc. ; ... Essay ... by William von Humboldt, transl. from the German G. H. Weigle ; the second ed. of Schlegel's Latin version of the Geeta, with the Sanscrit text revised by Prof. Lassen. Ed. by ... J. Garrett. - Bangalore : At the Wesleyan Mission Press, 1849. - [1] Bl., xvi, 147 S., [2] Bl., 29, lvi S.

Einheitssachtitel: Bhagavadgītā <Sanskrit, Kannada, engl., lat.>

Notiz: Enthält zusätzlich einen Beitrag von R.D. Griffith. Sonstige beteiligte Personen: Wilkins, Charles (1750-1836); Hastings, Warren (1732-1818); Wilson, Horace Hayman (1786-1860); Milman, Henry Hart (1791-1868); Humboldt, Wilhelm von (1767-1835); Weigle, Gottfried H. (1816-1855); Lassen, Christian (1800-1876); Schlegel, August Wilhelm von (1767-1845)

URL: http://books.google.com/books?id=WlwIAAAAQAAJ (Google Books. Digitalisiert: 24. Mai 2007, Vorlage: Oxford University)
Dateiformat: G; PDF


Le 24 avr. 2013 à 17:53, Dominik Wujastyk a écrit :

> Books downloadable from Google Books in the USA are often not downloadable outside the USA.  :-(
> --
> Dr Dominik Wujastyk
> Department of South Asia, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies,
> University of Vienna,
> Spitalgasse 2-4, Courtyard 2, Entrance 2.1
> 1090 Vienna, Austria
> and 
> Adjunct Professor, 
> Division of Health and Humanities,
> St. John's Research Institute, Bangalore, India.
> Project | home page | HSSA | PGP
> On 24 April 2013 17:32, Lindquist, Steven <slindqui at mail.smu.edu> wrote:
> Dear James,
> Are you in need of the original 1785 edition?  There is an 1867 reprint entitled The Bhăgvăt-gēētā: Or, Dialogues of Krĕĕshnă and Ărjŏŏn downloadable via Google books.
> Best,
> Steven
> ____________________
> Southern Methodist University
> PO Box 750202 | Dallas | TX | 75275
> http://faculty.smu.edu/slindqui
> From: James Hegarty <hegartyjm at googlemail.com<mailto:hegartyjm at googlemail.com>>
> Date: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 10:11 AM
> To: Indology <indology at list.indology.info<mailto:indology at list.indology.info>>
> Subject: [INDOLOGY] Wilkins' Geeta
> Dear Colleagues,
> Does anyone have a copy of Wilkins' 1785 Geeta translation?
> It does not appear to be on internet archive.com., but it is in the public domain.
> With Thanks,
> James Hegarty
> Cardiff University
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Christophe Vielle

Editor, Publications de l'Institut Orientaliste de Louvain series
- Last Indological issues: PIOL nos 53, 60 
- Still available: Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra (vols 1-2-3-4-5),  Asaṅga's Mahāyānasaṃgraha, Vimalakīrtinirdeśa, Lamotte's History of Indian Buddhism, etc.

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