Third gender

petra kieffer-Pülz kiepue at T-ONLINE.DE
Wed May 9 14:19:33 UTC 2012

In addition to what has been already mentioned see 

- Thomas K. Gugler, "Locating Queer in the Vedas. Das dritte Gechlecht im alten Indien

- L. Zwilling, M. J. Sweet, The evolution of third-sex constructs in ancient India, New Delhi  2000.

- Amara Das Wilhelm, Trtiya-Prakriti: People of the third sex: understanding homosexuality, transgender idetnityt, and intersex conditions through Hinduism, Philadelphiy 2005

G. G. Bolich, Conversing on Gender, 2007

For information with respect to Buddhism see

L. P. N. Perera, Sexuality in Ancient India. A STudy Based on the Pali Vinayapitaka, Colombo 1993.

Petra Kieffer-Pülz


Dr. Petra Kieffer-Pülz
Wilhelm-Külz-Strasse 2
99423 Weimar

Tel. 03643/ 770 447

kiepue at (priv.)
petra.kieffer-puelz at

Am 09.05.2012 um 14:20 schrieb lmfosse at GETMAIL.NO:

> Dear members of the list!
> Do any of you know of papers / studies of non-standard sexualities in ancient India (homosexuality, transsexualism, lesbianism etc.)?
> Best regards,
> Lars Martin Fosse
> lmfosse at

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