Kuppuswami Institute
Ute Huesken
ute.huesken at URZ.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE
Tue May 8 18:59:18 UTC 2012
Dear list members,
in addition to becoming life members or contributing in other ways to
the survival of the KSRI, we might also collectively think about how
we can - as institutions teaching Sanskrit - integrate this wonderful
institution in more sustained ways into our academic networks that
extend beyond India.
The Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages (IKOS) at
Oslo University for example has a long term agreement with the KSRI
entailing that our Sanskrit students spend one semester (their third
semester of Sanskrit teaching) at the KSRI, with four hours of
Sanskrit teaching daily.
Our experience with this arrangement is entirely positive, and I could
imagine that similar such agreements with other Sanskrit teaching
institutions could improve conditions there considerably.
If you are interested in the details of our agreement and expereinces
of our students there, please contact me: ute.huesken at ikos.uio.no
Best regards
Ute Huesken
Ute Hüsken
Professor of Sanskrit
Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages
University of Oslo
Faculty of Humanities
P.O. Box 1010 Blindern
N-0315 Oslo
Room 387, P.A. Munch's Building
phone: +47 22 85 48 16
telefax: +47 22 85 48 28
ute.huesken at ikos.uio.no
Co-editor, Oxford Ritual Studies Series
Head of the "Kanchipuram Research Project"
Organizer of the Oslo Buddhist Studies Forum (OBSF)
podcasts of the OBSF lectures
Member of the International Beirat of Paragrana. The International
Review of Historical Anthropology
Former co-chair of the Steering Committee, Ritual Studies Group,
American Academy of Religion
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