Hindu idea of "hidden" verses in heaven

Michael Slouber mjslouber at BERKELEY.EDU
Tue Feb 14 15:38:01 UTC 2012

Dear Dean and others,

Shaman Hatley discusses the widespread motif of the massive, unrevealed Ur-Tantra in his 2007 doctoral thesis (pp.268--272).  It is available through the UPenn repository: <http://repository.upenn.edu/dissertations/AAI3292099/>.  

This idea reminds me of the Purusa-sukta too, where it says that ¾ of him is in heaven and only ¼ on earth, but perhaps this is a tenuous connection.

All the best,

Michael Slouber
Visiting Adjunct Instructor
Religious Studies
Brown University

On Feb 14, 2012, at 10:16 AM, Dean Michael Anderson wrote:

> I first ran across this idea when reading the Kathasaritsagara of Somadeva.
> It says that the number of verses in the extant text are only a subset of a larger text that exists in heaven. Depending on the situation on earth a different number of verses might manifest. 
> I've since run across it in passing in some tantric writings as well. 
> Does anyone know the origin of this idea of a large heavenly corpus in contrast to a smaller earthly one? Or have any citations for texts that mention it?
> Best,
> Dean

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