Brill diacritics

Jonathan Silk kauzeya at GMAIL.COM
Tue Feb 7 13:02:28 UTC 2012

dear Friends,

I am *not* a tech person. I simply noticed that this font was available,
and I happen to know the designer. But please don't ask me technical
questions (as several of your did in private mails). That said, when I
forwarded  mail to the tech-maven at Brill I got the following response:

R̥ and r̥ (and R̥̄ and r̥̄ and L̥ and l̥ and L̥̄ and l̥̄) can be made using
“combining diacritical marks”. The explanation is in the Brill Typeface
User Guide p. 2, in the section “How to use combining diacritics”.
[ṚṛṜṝḶḷḸḹare, of course, also available as precomposed characters.
There is one remark in in the Brill Typeface User Guide I must modify for
the current release of the Brill fonts: contrary to what I wrote in the
manual, the combining mark(s) above should for the time being be keyed *
before* any combining mark(s) below. (I wrote: “When a base character
carries one diacritic above and one below, these two can be added in either
order”.) I just found that out when keying the long variants of vocalic
liquida, above.

J. Silk
Instituut Kern / Universiteit Leiden
Leiden University Institute for Area Studies, LIAS
Johan Huizinga Building, Room 1.37
Doelensteeg 16
2311 VL Leiden
The Netherlands

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