Kuvalayama ̄lā

Kenneth Zysk zysk at HUM.KU.DK
Sun Feb 5 16:36:58 UTC 2012

I should like to enquire if someone has a copy of the edition of the Kuvalayamālā by Uddyotana-suuri, i.e,  vol. 1 of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhava edition from 1959. I should greatly appreciate it if I could be directed to a website where it can be download, or if some could provide me with a pdf. version.
Many thanks,

Kenneth Zysk, PhD, DPhil
Head of Indology
Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies
University of Copenhagen
Asian Studies Section
Artillerivej 86
DK-2300 Copenhagen S    Denmark
Ph:  +45 3532 8951                            Email: zysk at hum.ku.dk

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