good book on early Vedic period?

George Thompson gthomgt at GMAIL.COM
Sat Feb 4 19:00:59 UTC 2012

Dear List,

A few minutes ago I sent a private message to Dean making the same
recommendation. I sent it to Dean alone because I added a few private,
personal, notes to him, as well as a brief review of Staal's book that
I had written for JAOS.  I think that we still are unable to send
attachments to the list, right?


On Sat, Feb 4, 2012 at 1:51 PM,  <mkapstei at> wrote:
>>Dear Dean,
>>You might wish to take a look at Frits Staal's
>>Discovering the Vedas (Penguin).
>>I'm no specialist in this area, so my assessment is
>>not based on particular knowledge of Vedic studies,
>>but I find it to be far and away the most readable and - for
>>one who is not specialized here - intellectually
>>stimulating treatment of
>>the Vedic tradition that I have encountered.
>>Matthew T. Kapstein
>>Numata Visiting Professor of Buddhist Studies
>>The University of Chicago Divinity School
>>Directeur d'études
>>Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris

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