Tartars in Sanskrit?

Lubin, Tim lubint at WLU.EDU
Wed Mar 9 20:55:55 UTC 2011

I have always been led to believe that 'Tartar' was a European corruption of 'Tātār' (as in Persian), perhaps by association with Latin Tartarus.  In that case, I would have expected a Sanskrit rendering to be begin taataar- or taatar-, no?  Or are matters less clearcut than that?  Perhaps you can give us the relevant snippet.

-----Original Message-----
From: Indology [mailto:INDOLOGY at liverpool.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Martin Gansten
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 2:56 PM
To: INDOLOGY at liverpool.ac.uk
Subject: [INDOLOGY] Tartars in Sanskrit?

I should be very interested to know of any instances of terms like 
tārtīya or tārtīyaka, with the meaning 'Tartar', in (late) Sanskrit 
literature. I have come across a single occurrence, in the Tājikabhūṣaṇa 
(16th-17th cent.), where this seems to be the only reasonable meaning of 
the word (it is definitely not related to tṛtīya); but I haven't found 
it in any dictionary.

Martin Gansten
Lund University


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